Complaining only to ALLAH
"I only complain of my distraction and anguish
to ALLAH "
Man needs to obtain his provision and other needs,
and to protect himself from harm.
In both cases, he should call on ALLAH should not
ask for provision from anyone other than ALLAH
and he should not complain to anyone other
than Allah.
In the Quran, ALLAH has mentioned goodly forsaking,
goodly forgiveness and goodly patience.
It was said that:
goodly forsaking is to forsake or boycott without
doing harm;
goodly forgiveness is to forgive without rebuking;
and goodly patience is to be patient without complaining
to any other person or created being.
When Ahmad ibn Hanbal was sick, he was told that *Tawus
used to hate the sound of a sick person's groaning, and would say,
"this is a complaint,"
so Ahmad never groaned until the day he died.
Complaining to the creator, on the other hand, does not
contradict the idea of goodly patience.
For Yaqub said:
"Patience is most fitting (for me)"
[Yusuf 12:83],
but he also said,
"I only complain of my distraction and anguish to Allah ..."
Umar ibn al-Khattab used to recite Surahs Yunus, Yusuf
and al-Nahl during Fajr prayer.
When he reached this ayah he wept so much that his
sobs could be heard in the last rows of the congregation.
Musa used to pray:
"O Allah, to You be all praise and to You (alone) do
I complain. You are the (only) One Whom I ask
for help, in You I seek refuge and upon You I rely.
There is no strength or power except you."
Bint Haji Yusof
27 Raby Al Awwal 1427H
Auckland, NEW ZEALAND.
Source: “Al-Ubudiyyah: Being a true slave of Allah”
– Ibn Taymiyah, p. 79 (from SPUBS)
*Ibn Tawus, Kitab al-malahim wa al-fitan