Inni al faqiirah ila ROBBIha ~ * ~ A Humble Servant of ALLAH S.W.T.

Inni al faqiirah ila ROBBIha ~ * ~ A Humble Servant of ALLAH S.W.T.

ALLAH S.W.T. loveth those who make themselves pure. May ALLAH shower His blessings and guidance + may ALLAH make you and I among those who love to be purified. Amiin. ~*~ "Islam itu mengajarkn kbersihan dan ksucian, mbentuk pribadi yang suci dan bersih. (QS. 9:108)."

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


BismilLAH, alhamdulilLAH..

Assalamu’alaykum warahmatulLAHi

Khas buat kehadrat sohabat sohabiah yang
saya hormati dan kasihi lilLAHI Ta’ala,
didoakan semoga berada dalam keadaan
Iman yang baik dan diberikan kekuatan
ber’amal liridholLAH!

AlhamdulilLAH, dengan izin ALLAH Ta’ala,
saya telah selamat menyempurnakan pengajian
5 ½ tahun saya dalam jurusan Bach.Education
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
(B.Ed TESOL) pada tanggal 4 Disember 2007

(Selasa) yang lepas. Moga segala-galanya
beroleh kesejahteraan dan diberkati
ILAHI ROBBI, insyaALLAH, amiin.

Sehubungan dengan itu, saya mengambil
keputusan untuk membuka lembaran baru
bagi “SyahidituSuci”.

Na’am, tiada dapat saya nafikan betapa banyak
kenangan telah terpatri sedari umur belasan tahun
di Malaysia hinggalah keberangkatan ke New Zealand
dan kini kembali ke tanah air saya siratkan bersama
penulisan dan hasil nukilan di laman
ini juga rerantaiannya. Sungguh ia punya erti
dalam hidup saya, syukran lilLAHi Ta’ala
atas peluang yang dikurniakan.

Walaubagaimanapun sempena hadirnya 1 Zulhijjah
(11 Disember 2007, Selasa), insyaALLAH
sebermula hari ini, saya akan mula mencoret pena
di laman terbaru,
  • *
    Pastinya ada sulaman hikmah di sebalik hijrah ini.
    Di mana bumi dipijak, di situ hukum ALLAH dijunjung.
    InsyaALLAH dakwah ilalLAH
    dan usaha
    taqarrub kepada-NYA
    akan terus-terusan,
    walLAHU Musta’an

    Ilal liqo’en jadid insyaALLAH fi
  • *

    Asifi ‘ala kulli hal wa jazakumulLAHu
    khairan katiron aidhon.

    Wassalamu bilkhair ajma’in.

    Moga jaya fi daarani,
    Ukhtukum filLAH,
    Bintu Yusof (SyahidituSuci)
    Darul IMAN, Malaysia.

    *p/s: To Speakers of other Languages,
    I have move to
  • *
  • Tuesday, November 13, 2007

    Asifi jiddan 'ala kulli hal..


    Assalamu’alaikum warahmatulLAHI wabarakatuh

    ~* ~* InsyaALLAH
    latest updates *~ *~

    CoMiNG SOoN in Mid DeceMBeR 2007

    InsyaALLAH with NeW…??

    Ilal liqo'en jadid insyaALLAH.

    Wassalamu bilkhair ajma'in

    ~*~ ~*~

    al faqiirah ila ALLAH,
    Bintu Yusof,
    2 Zulkaedah 1428H (Mon)
    IPBA, KL.

    Wednesday, September 20, 2006

    We Need Ramadhan


    ~*~ Notes on Welcoming Ramadhan ~*~

    BismilLAH, alhamdulilLAH, wassolatu wassalamu
    ‘ala RasulilLAH Sholla ALLAHU ‘alaihi wassalam

    Assalamu’alaykum warahmatulLAHI Ta’ala

    Especially for my dear Brothers and Sisters of ISLAM,

    Ramadaan is an expansive and wide avenue for developing
    one’s strength in all aspects;

    *~ abstention from food... drink and passion during the day,
    being patience on that, waking up in the night for prayers
    and persevering over that throughout the month are some of
    apparent means of strengthening one’s will.

    *~ This is in fact a turning point which is an object of craving
    for the people who have vision; those who humble themselves
    for their
    Lord and seek the way of approach to Him.

    *~It is a change towards a better way of life; a change
    from the ignominy of sins to the glory of obedience;
    from weakness and laziness to seriousness and
    ; from bad customs and detestable
    habits to pure and upright conducts

    *~ Fasting contains elements of strength, resoluteness
    and strong will
    that are indispensable tools for one who wants
    to attain high degrees and prosperity in this world and
    the Hereafter

    ALLAH Subahanahu wa Ta’ala says,

    “O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you
    as it was prescribed for those before you, that you
    may become pious

    (Al-Baqarah 2:183).


    Dear Brethren,

    InsyaALLAH, the following will be an excerpt that I have
    taken from a beautiful khutbah delivered by Abu
    Uwais Abdullaah Ali
    and transcribed by: Umm Hasna
    Firdous Bint Jabir
    , and insyaALLAH, it would be
    a great pleasure for me to share it with all of you, my beloved
    Muslims Brothers and Sisters.

    ~* Title: Benefits of Ramadhaan (We need Ramadhaan)
    ~* Lectured by :Abu Uwais Abdullaah Ali (Rahimahullaah)


    Ramadhaan is a month of Forgiveness.

    Ramadhaan is a month of Rahmah.

    Ramadhaan is the month of generosity.

    Ramadhaan, the month that Allaah subhaanahu wa
    accepts the Tawbah of the servants, and the month
    that Allaah blesses His servants.

    We are in need of Ramadhaan to correct ourselves,
    for we have forgotten Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala for the
    majority of the year.

    To correct ourselves for we have been neglectful.

    To correct ourselves for we are not upon the remembrance
    of Allaah.

    To correct ourselves because our hearts have gotten
    , some hearts are dead, some hearts are sick, some hearts
    are stone-cold, some hearts are black, getting no benefit
    . Some hearts are so bad, and so ill that they see
    a good as a Munkar
    , (as an evil), and they see an evil as
    a good
    . These are not as they should be.

    We need a Ramadhaan.

    We need a Ramadhaan because our connection with
    Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala is not correct.

    We need a Ramadhaan because we do not have any
    Khushoo or devotion in our Salaah.

    We need a Ramadhaan because our Quran has dust
    and is sitting on a shelf.

    We need a Ramadhaan because we never read the books
    of Sunnah

    We need a Ramadhaan because we don't fast, and if we fast
    physically without food or drink, we don't fast with our
    eyes by lowering them and our tongue by not slandering
    and our tongue by not lying and back-biting

    We need a Ramadhaan to get ourselves back in order, to work
    for the Hereafter, to connect ourselves to Allaah tabarak
    wa ta'ala

    We need a Ramadhaan because relationships brother
    to brother and sister to sister is in a miserable condition.

    We need a Ramadhaan because we have bad thoughts
    about one another.

    We need a Ramadhaan because of dhulm, injustice to
    one another.

    We need a Ramadhaan because there is backbiting,
    there is envy, there is jealousy, and there is slander.

    We need a Ramadhaan because we are despicable,
    because we are sick, because we are ill. (All these are
    diseases of the heart)

    We need a Ramadhaan because we don't believe in
    the promise of Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala, or if we do, we
    do not implement it.

    We need a Ramadhaan because it is time for us to
    change and become something better then we are now.

    We need a Ramadhaan because that is the only
    thing that is going to get us together…

    We need a Ramadhaan because we don't have unity,
    there's no brotherhood

    We need a Ramadhaan because there's no respect
    for elders

    We need a Ramadhaan because there's no real love
    between us

    We need a Ramadhaan, full of love and the Mercy
    of Allaah
    tabarak wa ta'ala.

    A Ramadhaan like we come in, like in a clinic or
    a hospital
    , trying to solve our illnesses, trying to
    come out of there without the disease we came
    , trying to be better than we went in with.

    We need a Ramadhaan. Look around you, look to
    your right, look to your left, look in front of you and look
    behind you and you'll say, "We need a Ramadhaan".

    The sisters aren't covering properly, we need a Ramadhaan.
    Brothers and sisters are mixing. We need a Ramadhaan.
    Talking on phones and on the internet, we need a Ramadhaan.
    This is a mess, we are in a fix, we are in a bind, and this is a problem…
    We need a Ramadhaan. We need a Ramadhaan to get
    ourselves together

    We need a Ramadhaan, that we come in the Masjid and we
    face the Qiblah and we say "Allaahu Akbar" and we stand
    in qiyaamah a long time until those diseases, that filth,
    that sickness, that hardness the heart goes away.

    We need a Ramadhaan that reminds us of the Hell-fire.

    We need a Ramadhaan that tells us that we haven't been
    given a certificate that we are people of Jannah.

    We need a Ramadhaan that lets us known that we are
    servants of Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala.

    And if we were to spend our whole life, from the time we were
    born until Yawm al Qiyaamah in Sajdaah, it would not
    be enough to thank Allaah for His Mercy, His Grace
    and His Blessings

    We need a Ramadhaan and it is clear. If there is any
    fear of Allaah left in the hearts of ours and if there is any
    hope of Jannaah left in us, and if there is any desire to
    change and to be better and to be righteous
    and to
    come to the level of Ihsaan, to come to the level of
    a Mu'min, to have taqwa, to fear Allaah … We need
    a Ramadhaan

    We need a Ramadhaan, a month of Tawbaah.

    We need a Ramadhaan, a month of Maghfira.

    We need a Ramadhaan to correct our behaviour,
    to correct the differences & the difficulties and the envy
    / jealousies in our relationship between one another.

    We need a Ramadhaan to understand that we have been
    committing injustice to one another. And as the Prophet
    (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam)
    said : 'Az-Zulm (injustice)
    – "Zulumaat yawmal Qiyaamah" –we'll be changed
    physically into darkness on the Day of Judgement

    We need a Ramadhaan to understand the Hadith :
    to fear the duaa of the one to whom we have done
    . For there is not between Allaah and the person
    making the invocation, the person making that supplication
    of the person to whom injustice has been done, there is no
    veil between that person and Allaah. That duaa is
    immediately accepted

    The oppressor is the one for whom things are not going right;
    He is tripping into this and falling into that; He is Slipping
    there and sliding here. Why I can't get ahead? Why I can't
    progress in my Deen? Why I can't memorize this ayah?
    Why I can't understand this hadeeth?
    We may be living
    under the invocation, the answer for invocation for someone
    whom we abused or stepped over. You know you need
    a Ramadhaan. I know I need a Ramadhaan. We know
    we need a Ramadhaan. We need to get ourselves together.
    We've been running around in filth, we have been having our hearts
    around the low matters; We need our hearts to be around
    the thrones of Allaah; We need to think about the high
    matters, high goals; We need to think about Jannah;
    We need a hope for al-Jannah

    You're planning for marriage, you're planning for
    education, you're planning for a job, but we need to
    plan for the Jannah. We need to prepare for the Jannah
    during the month of Ramadhaan.

    "'Nahnu be haajathin Ma'aasa fir Ramadhaan."

    We are in severe need for Ramadhaan, so that we come
    into Ramadhaan with repentance
    , we come into it with
    , we come into it realizing that we are weak, that we
    need Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala to correct us
    , realizing
    that we are wrong
    and that we need Allaah tabarak wa
    ta'ala to place upon us that which is right
    , realizing that
    we are weak and that we need Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala
    to grant us strength. We need a Ramadhaan

    Oh Yes !! We need a Ramadhaan.

    We needs nights of Qiyaam, we need dua and sujood,
    we need nights of Ramadhaan to do thilawaah of Quran.

    We need to listen to Husri, or Sudays or Shurain, or Hudhaifi.
    We need a Ramadhaan to listen to the Quran. When
    was the last time that we listened to the Quran?? When
    was the last time we recited Quran? We need a Ramadhaan
    to study Quran, to implement the Quran, and this
    Ramadhaan may be our final Ramadhaan
    . As one brother
    spoke, I believe it is Abu Thasleem Hafidahullaah, where is
    the guarantee that this is not our final Ramadhaan?
    What is the guarantee that it is not our final Ramadhaan?
    We have to come into it seriously
    . And we want to come
    out of it much better than we came into it. We want to come out
    of Ramadhaan with Taqwa, because that was the
    main reason that it was legislated.

    "O you who believe fasting has been written upon you
    as it was written for those before you, so that you may
    gain Taqwa

    Taqwa is fear of Allaah. If we had taqwa, our condition
    will be better than it is now. If we had taqwa our
    relationships would be smoother
    , if we had taqwa …father
    to son who is a Muslim, sister to brother who is Muslim, uncle,
    aunt, niece and nephew who is Muslim, husband and wife who
    are Muslims.. the relationships would be better if they
    are based upon Taqwa
    . And we can achieve Taqwa during
    the month of Ramadhaan
    . I don't believe that our hearts are
    that hard, I don't believe that we can't change, I don't believe that
    some of us who hold hatred for the last 10 years cannot learn to
    love, and because we have been taught deceit and deception now
    we can't learn to trust.

    I don't believe that those brothers who have left circumstances
    physically but have the teachings and the behaviours that they
    had while they were up there, that they can't change. The sisters
    who remove their bodies from the fitnah and physically remove
    their bodies from a mistake, physically remove their bodies from
    foolishness but their hearts have to follow. Be iznillaahi
    tha'aalah !
    Their hearts have to follow.

    We need a Ramadhaan to inculcate these qualities. We
    need to control our desires. We need to control our
    tongue. We need to control our limbs. We need to
    learn self-discipline. We need to control our anger.
    We must do things in Ramadhaan not out of habit, something
    that is just tradition., that we are more despicable when we
    went in. We have to change our condition. We have to
    change our connection with Allaah tabarak wa ta'ala.
    For how light is the view of Allaah when they disobey
    This is what was said by one of the sahabas when he had
    the crown of the Persian King in his hand.

    We need a Ramadhaan so that we can focus on the
    Aakhirah -- Hereafter
    and we give Naseehah and
    advice to one another
    that is of benefit and that our
    talking and our mixing is just not about the Dunya, and what
    you want to do in the Dunya and how you are gonna be in this

    We need a Ramadhaan so that people learn to
    inculcate in their children to be like Abu Bakr
    As-Siddeeq, Umar al-Khattab, Sa'ad abi Ibn
    Waqqas and like this. We need a Ramadhaan so
    that they can study knowledge. This Ummah needs
    another Bin Baaz, this Ummah needs another
    Al-Albani, this Ummah needs another Muqbil,
    this Ummah needs another Ibn Taimiyyah, this
    Ummah needs all of these and more

    You are gonna tell me that none of them can come
    or no one like them can from our families? None
    of them can come from us? Not everyone who comes
    from us have to be Goofi. Can't our children speak
    the Arabic language at a young age? Can't we put
    in the hands of our children books that will benefit
    the Ummah
    .. the same love the Kaafir have for Harry
    Potter and their imaginary books? Our hope is low. Our
    desire is low.

    We are supposed to be having high goals.

    We should be looking at our kids Abdullaah and Abdurrahman
    and saying : You might be Sheikh Naasir for this Ummah. We
    should be saying when listening to Sudaisi and Shuraim that
    it could be you leading the salaah in haram. We are supposed
    to be having high goals. But until we brush off the dust, the
    foolishness of the jaahiliyyah , the hastiness of the youth, the
    bad characteristics that we have, we have to get rid of them ,
    we have to change our condition, we need aRamadhaan.

    We need our Qiyaam at night, we need recitation
    of Quran, we need to sit together and talk together
    only about the deen, not about the Dunya, we need
    to worry about our status in the Aakhirah, in
    the Hereafter. We need to wake up from our sleep.

    Wake up Oh Sleepy one. !!

    Our slumber has been too long. You got to wake up, take
    wudoo, get within the caravan of Mohamed Ibn
    Abdullah, Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq, Umar al-Khattab,
    Ibn Taimiyyah – you have to get with it
    . How long
    are we going to stay sick? How long are we going to
    be unsettled? How long are we going to have our

    We need a Ramadhaan.

    And let this Ramadhaan be the one where you come
    out of it better, come out of it committed, come out of it
    devoted, you come out of it with your head held high.

    You are from the Ummah of the Prophet (sallallahu
    alayhi wa sallam) and don't you forget it!!

    Walhamdulillaahi rabbil aalameen.

    Full text of the khutbah can be read at:

  • *

    To listen to the audio at Masjid Tawheed Chicago, click o­n o­ne of the audio icons below.

    Benefits of Ramadhaan (we need Ramadhaan)
    Abu Uwais Abdullaah Ali [English]
     WinAmp  Windows Media Player  Real Player 

    AlhamdulilLAH, insyaALLAH may this piece of writing
    benefit all of us, Muslims. Saamihni 'ala kulli hal.
    together let us all Muslims hands in hands
    pray to ALLAH Ta'ala so that HE save the UMMAH
    and grant glorious victory to ISLAM! Ameen.


    Salam Ramadhan al Maghfirah 1427H

    Saamihni 'ala kulli hal,
    Wassalamu bilkhair ajma'in.

    al faqiirah ila ROBBIha,
    Bintu Yusof,
    26 Sya'aban 1427H,
    Auckland, Nueva Zelanda.
  • Tuesday, July 11, 2006

    فرشي التراب

    Farshi Al Turab - Dust is my bed

    فرشي التراب

    Meshary Al arada’s 'farshi al turab'

    فرشي التراب يضمني وهو غطائي

    حولي الرمال تلفني بل من ورائي

    واللحد يحكي ظلمة فيها ابتلائي

    والنور خط كتابه أنسى لقائي

    والأهل اين حنانهم باعوا وفائي

    والصحب اين جموعهم تركوا اخائي

    والمال اين هناءه صار ورائي

    والاسم اين بريقه بين الثناءِ

    هذي نهاية حالي فرشي الترابِ

    والحب ودّع شوقه وبكى رثائي

    والدمع جف مسيره بعد البكاء

    والكون ضاق بوسعه ضاقت فضائي

    فاللحد صار بجثتي أرضي سمائي

    هذي نهاية حالي فرشي الترابِ

    والخوف يملأ غربتي والحزن دائي

    أرجو الثبات وإنه قسما دوائي

    والرب أدعو مخلصا أنت رجائي

    أبغي إلهي جنة فيها هنائي

    Dust is my bed, embraces me
    and it’s my cover now.

    The sand surrounds me
    even behind my back.

    And the grave tells a dankness
    of my affliction.

    And the brightness draws a line……

    Where is my family’s love?
    They sold my loyalty!

    And where is my group of friends?
    They left my brotherhood!

    Where is the bliss of money?
    It’s behind my back now

    And my name (reputation)
    where is it shine between praises
    This is my end and this is my bed

    And love farewells its longing
    nd my elegizing cried

    And the tears went dry after crying

    And the universe became narrow
    and so is my space

    And the grave became my ground and sky
    This is my end and this is my bed

    Fear fills my estrangement
    and sadness is my illness

    I expect firmness
    and I swear it’s my cure

    And for Allah i pray faithfully,
    you are my hope.

    I desire heaven, to find bliss in it

    And for Allah i pray faithfully,
    you are my hope

    I desire heaven, to find bliss in it.

    [alhamdulilLAH, the song and lyric was compiled by Mutma'inaa - 06/04/2005 -]

    ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

    Bintu Yusof:

    BismilLAH,alhamdulilLAH, wassolatu wassalamu
    'ala RasulilLAH s.a.w.

    Assalamu'alaykum warahmatulLAHI Ta'ala

    All praise is due to ALLAH Subahanu wa Ta'ala,
    the ONE who created every humans with a will to survive
    and a mind to understand. We are the creatures who
    agreed to accept the burden of consciousness and

    We have chosen to be the ones to be granted the ability
    to reason and choose the course of our actions
    . ALLAH Subahanahu wa Ta'ala, the EXALTED, did not force
    us to be self-aware
    . Indeed he offered this blessings and
    burden to the rest of creation first. There were no takers.
    This is a might responsibility which rests upon
    our shoulders.

    Syukran LilLAHI TA’ALA,
    Greatest thanks to ALLAH Subahanahu wa Ta’ala
    for destining me to come across our sister of ISLAM's website
    who nicknamed herself as Sis. Mutma'inaa. MasyaALLAH,
    dear sister, what a great work, alhamdulilLAH, indeed your
    endless effort in compiling all sorts and medium of information
    in flourishing ISLAM, touches my heart.

    May ALLAH reward you and your family sincerity towards
    spreading the word of ISLAM to the World, insyaALLAH,
    . InsyaALLAH, it would be very beneficial for everyone
    towards appreciating the beauty of ISLAM.

    And not forgetting Bro.Yahiya Emerick,
    the writer of "What ISLAM is all about", masyaALLAH,
    your master piece of writing alhamdulilLAH, does help me a lot in deepening my understanding of ISLAM esp in the interest of futhering Qur'anic and ISLAMIC literacy. AlhamdulilLAH, biiznilLAH,
    the format, style and presentation of the content might be beneficial for
    me as a teacher-to-be to my students and my future family:
    Muslim generation; ones who would carry the torch of
    ISLAM in the future and bring back glorius victory to ISLAM, insyaALLAH, ameen
    . May ALLAH bless your humble effort, insyaALLAH.

    Dear Brothers and Sisters of ISLAM,
    let’s hope and pray for the mercy and reward of our LORD, ALLAH Subahanahu wa Ta’ala. May HE protect us from the punishment
    of the grave and the trials of the Day of Judgement. If we do not
    pass the spirit of ISLAM to our next generation, who will?

    Think long and ponder over why you are alive and how soon you will die. InsyaALLAH, we will all have lives that are useful in the Cause
    of ALLAH Subahanahu wa Ta’ala.

    Saamih ni ‘ala kulli hal,
    May ALLAH Subahanu wa Ta’ala bestows HIS ‘tawfiq’ and ‘hidayah’ to each and everyone of us, insyaALLAH, ameen.

    Wassalamu bilkhair ajma’in.

    al faqiirah ila ROBBIha,
    Bintu Yusof,
    15 Jumada al Akhirah 1427H
    TRC, Downtown, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND.

    Monday, July 10, 2006

    :: The QURAN: Treat it with RESPECT. ::

    The QURAN: Treat it with RESPECT.

    Assalamu’alaykum warahmatulLAHI Ta’ala wabarakatuh,

    Dedicated to my Brothers and Sisters of ISLAM for all their courage and support toward ISLAM.


    Selected Sayings about the QURAN.

    1. Umar ibn al Khattab reported that the Messenger of ALLAH (p.b.u.h.) said,

    ALLAH will raise some people up with this book and bring down others


    2. Abu Musa reported that the Messenger of ALLAH (p.b.u.h.) said,

    The example of the believer who reads the Quran is of a citrus fruit whose smell is nice and taste good. The example of the believer who does not read the Quran is that of a fresh date which has no scent but whose taste is still sweet. The example of the hypocrite who does not read the Quran is like a basil leaf which has not smell and whose taste is bitter. The example of the hypocrite who reads the Quran is that of a fragrant flower which has a nice smell but whose taste is terrible.”

    (Agreed: i.e. this hadith is in all main collections.)

    3. A’isyah r.a. reported that the Messenger of ALLAH (p.b.u.h.) said,

    A person who has expert knowledge of the Quran will be with the honorable writers (angels), and the one who reads the Quran and struggles with it in difficulty will get twice the reward.”


    Bintu Yusof:
    AlhamdullilLAH..all praise is due to ALLAH, dear Brothers and Sisters of ISLAM whom I nicknamed as B.A.S.I.S.,

    I have chosen to insert this sign: (p.b.u.h.) to indicate “peace be upon him”. A saying of the Blessed Prophet states that when we hear his name, we should wish peace be upon him.

    Akhirul kalam..

    May ALLAH Subahanahu wa Ta’ala grant us best in this short life of ours, and may HE grant us the best in Paradise. And may ALLAH grant glorious victory and peace to the UMMAH! InsyaALLAH, amen.

    Ismihni ‘ala kulli hal (Please forgive me for everything and anything.)

    BarakalLAHUlakunna (May ALLAH bless us all!)

    Wassalamu’alaykum warahmatulLAHI wabarakatuh.

    A humble servant of ALLAH Ta’ala,
    Bintu Yusof,
    14 Jumada al Akhirah 1427H (Mon)
    TRC, Downtown, Auckland, NZ.

    p/s:Source of reference: "What ISLAM is all about" by Yahya J.A. Emerick; The ISLAMIC ARTS SERIES, produced in association with The ISLAMIC Foundation of North America.

    Saturday, June 10, 2006

    ~*~ Matters of Heart ~*~

    ~*~ Matters of Heart ~*~

    Be very careful while giving your heart to someone (in marriage)..always remember your heart belongs to ALLAH and if you trust someone and give your heart to him, it means you are giving your heart to him as amanah.

    Be very careful about choosing the correct person to take care of this amanah. If someone gives you his heart (in marriage), take care of his heart because a heart is an amanah and it certainly belongs to ALLAH S.W.T.

    Never break a is a great sin indeed. If a heart gets broken, there is no melodious sound but strong gushes of wind and storm come around and surround the broken heart, consequently, rain of tears gradually run downs someone’s cheek clever enough, never let others play with your heart ….

    Someone has broken your heart, do not seek revenge though you have an ikhtiar.

    Someone steals, breaks your things you could go to the court of justice and bring your evidences


    Someone breaks your heart, no worldly courts can punish the person because you have no evidence to present and people in this world are so blind, they can not see your broken heart


    ALLAH S.W.T.
    Know the matter of hearts..HE Knows what is in your heart and who has/had broken it

    Thus..leave it to ALLAH S.W.T., verily HE Knows BEST!

    InsyaALLAH, you will find Justice and Peace…for ALLAH S.W.T. is ‘Adil’ (Just).


    (Bintu Yusof: thanks my dear sister of Islam, for sharing this wonderful piece of writing with me, and alhamdulilLAH, undoubtedly, it means a lot for me and insyaALLAH, it might be worth for others too..barakallLAHUlakunna!)

    Tuesday, April 25, 2006

    Complaining only to ALLAH


    "I only complain of my distraction and anguish
    to ALLAH

    Man needs to obtain his provision and other needs,
    and to protect himself from harm.

    In both cases, he should call on ALLAH should not
    for provision from anyone other than ALLAH
    and he should not complain to anyone other
    than Allah.

    In the Quran, ALLAH has mentioned goodly forsaking,
    goodly forgiveness and goodly patience.

    It was said that:

    goodly forsaking is to forsake or boycott without
    doing harm

    goodly forgiveness is to forgive without rebuking;

    and goodly patience is to be patient without complaining
    to any other person or created being.

    When Ahmad ibn Hanbal was sick, he was told that *Tawus
    used to hate the sound of a sick person's groaning, and would say,

    "this is a complaint,"

    so Ahmad never groaned until the day he died.

    Complaining to the creator, on the other hand, does not
    contradict the idea of goodly patience.

    For Yaqub said:

    "Patience is most fitting (for me)"
    [Yusuf 12:83],

    but he also said,

    "I only complain of my distraction and anguish to Allah ..."

    Umar ibn al-Khattab used to recite Surahs Yunus, Yusuf
    and al-Nahl during Fajr prayer.

    When he reached this ayah he wept so much that his
    sobs could be heard in the last rows of the congregation.

    Musa used to pray:

    "O Allah, to You be all praise and to You (alone) do
    I complain. You are the (only) One Whom I ask
    for help, in You I seek refuge and upon You I rely.
    There is no strength or power except you


    Bint Haji Yusof
    27 Raby Al Awwal 1427H
    Auckland, NEW ZEALAND.

    Source: Al-Ubudiyyah: Being a true slave of Allah
    Ibn Taymiyah, p. 79 (from SPUBS)

    *Ibn Tawus, Kitab al-malahim wa al-fitan
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